New Zealand Whole Population Overview

The flag of New Zealand

This figure represents a breakdown of ethnic groups for people in New Zealand, using census data from 2018. In this data, a person who identified with more than one ethnic group was counted in each applicable group. The ethnicity with which the highest number of people identify with in New Zeland is European. Māori is second, with 14.7% of the recorded responses being people that identify with the Māori ethnic group.

This figure represents the total number of injuries experienced across the entire population in 2018, regardless of ethincity. Falls and and Motor vehicle traffic crashes make up the majority of injuries experienced in 2018.

This figure represents the same data as the pie chart above, but for each year from 2000 to 2018. We see that the data is most volatile between the years 2014-2018, which led us to focus on data from more recent years as we compared injury causes between ethnicities.

Takeaways: As the first pie chart indicates, the New Zealand population is primarily of European ethnicity (as of 2018). The vast majority of injuries experienced in 2018 do not appear to be malicious, but there is an alarmingly high rate of intentional self-harm (almost 10%), which is only slightly less than double the amount of assaults. The proportions of each injury cause have not changed significantly since 2000, with the exception of a roughly 78% increase in the number of Falls.

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